Research. Analyze. Advise. Support.

Economic research is our expertise. Energy and climate economics is our focus.

The EEFA (Energy Environment Forecast Analysis) focuses on research in energy, resource, and climate economics. Based in Münster, we operate on national, international, and global levels. Our mission is twofold: we provide decision-makers in businesses, economic sectors, political institutions, and ministries with the latest research findings, and we analyze energy and climate policy measures from an economic perspective.

How we do it

Theoretically sound and empirically proven: our approach relies on a broad mix of models for comprehensive analyses. These include econometric, theoretical sectoral, and macroeconomic models, all grounded in the latest economic research.

Research in energy, resource, and climate economics must be both theoretically sound and application-oriented, and this is our commitment.

We advise public and private institutions using the latest economic methods. Our detailed sectoral and macroeconomic models examine relevant issues from national, European, and global perspectives.

Overview of topics

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Energy Statistics

Providing Precise Answers to the Most Pressing Questions of Our Time.

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Empirical Analyses

Describing Facts and Recommending Action.

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Harmonize energy economics , global sustainability, and economic development.

Overview of methods & models

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Electricity demand, energy consumption, energy balance and the entire German economy.

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International (EU)

CO2 emissions of the regions and sectors of the European Emissions Trading System.

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Economics of climate change and national climate policies.

Copyright 2025. Energy Environment Forecast Analysis (EEFA)
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