Our research topics

Energy Statistics: Providing Precise Answers to the Most Pressing Questions of Our Time

Method for the regular and current development of energy consumption in areas not covered by official statistics

Our research endeavors to address critical data gaps in energy statistics. While reliable data from the Federal Statistical Office exists for compiling national and international energy statistics, such as Germany's energy balance, it currently relies primarily on regular surveys conducted within the industrial sector. Regrettably, this leaves approximately 71.5 % of final energy consumption unaccounted for by official surveys.

This gap notably affects private households, as well as the trade, commerce, and services sectors. To remedy this issue, the Federal Ministry of Economics has commissioned extensive survey studies.

As part of a consortium, we rigorously evaluate these survey studies, examining alternative statistical methods and concepts. Our goal is to develop approaches that effectively close the data gaps in final energy consumption, ensuring a more comprehensive and accurate representation of energy usage across various sectors.

Research in energy, resource, and climate economics must be both theoretically sound and application-oriented, and this is our commitment.

We advise public and private institutions using the latest economic methods. Our detailed sectoral and macroeconomic models examine relevant issues from national, European, and global perspectives.

Copyright 2025. Energy Environment Forecast Analysis (EEFA)
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